Robbers' Roost BANG! Playing Cards

Another day, another set of cards to release. Following up on yesterday's introduction of the orange cards, I am posting another set of of them. This time, most of the orange cards are defensive cards of some sort or other. For these cards, I shortened the text descriptions, as I felt that I was having too many of the rules on the cards themselves. I even went back and uploaded a new version of yesterday's cards to have shorter descriptions too. Rules more properly belong in the guidebook. Perhaps I will also make one of those card "player aids" that you often see floating around for BANG! and Dodge City as well. Besides this, I replaced the "Rope" card (which was too similar to Lasso anyway) with "Disarm," a card that can remove another player's gun.

Download the 5th Set of Robbers' Roost Cards (Playing Card Set 3)