EDIT: The Aid has been edited to include the new 1.03 Patch rules. Last Testament explanation was also added.

EDIT: I fixed some typos and wording issues to the player aid. Thanks to the BANG! fans who have helped catch the errors.

I mentioned yesterday that I was working on a player aid for Death Mesa. I wanted to have a document that would be much easier for BANG! players to take to the game versus an unwieldy, full-color, 13-page PDF document.

Anyway, I finished the player aid today. The aid is a simple 2-sided trifold document that is designed to fit right inside a BANG! box (I am sure it will fit inside the Bullet as well). Just download the aid and print it out. Then cut along the edges, and fold the document along the lines. The aid provides a basic explanation of the rules, cards, and adjusted victory conditions. Here are shots of the 2 sides of the aid:

Death Mesa BANG! Player Aid Side 1

Death Mesa BANG! Player Aid Side 1

Download the Death Mesa Player Aid