I worked hard this weekend to redesign all of the Robbers' Roost files and get them all up in the appropriate templates. Shots of the 4 card sheets are below.

Robbers' Roost POD Template 2

Robbers' Roost POD Template 3

Robbers' Roost POD Template 4

Robbers' Roost POD Template 1

The card sheets show several changes I have made. I noted some of the character ones yesterday. I made an additional change to Flint Dixon today: I clarified that Barrels can still be used to avoid his shots.

As for playing cards (changes in bold):
  • Standoff (completely redone) -- Join a side when a Duel is played. Either you or your ally can discard a BANG! to return fire. Each member of the losing side takes a hit when the Duel ends.

  • The Flop (reworded) -- Reveal 3 cards (the flop). Players choose 1 or 2 cards from their hand to complete the flop, and place them face down. Afterwards, flip the cards over. The best poker hand wins the flop. The other cards are returned to each player’s hand.

  • James Dougall (redone) -- Range 2. 2 BANG! may be fired from this gun at once if directed at the same target.

  • On the House (added) -- All players gain 1 life point. Equivalent of a Saloon, but it is a green card.

  • Ambush (2 in the deck now instead of 1).

  • Distracted (Removed from the deck).

  • Rattlesnake (Removed from the deck).

  • Cowboy Boots (Removed from the deck).

I still need to proof the text, the card titles, and the alignment on the images. I also need to work on getting as good a copy of the BANG! backs as possible. Then it will be off to sending the files to the POD, and mailing cards for color correction and sizing adjustments.